
Showing posts from October, 2021

Open-Source Software & Digital Learning

As I’ve grown with the technology available to me since I was a kid in the 90’s, I’ve always been fascinated with how it has all evolved during that time. Thinking of my parents first cell phone compared to the smartphone I use now, or my first computer compared to what I am currently typing on illustrates the vast leaps that have been made in the development of not only hardware but software during that time. Due to the prevalence of open-source software, many of the browsers, operating systems, and applications that we readily use on a daily basis have been utilized and refined over time with collaborative efforts among many programmers and developers. Ultimately, the significance of having open-source software or freeware, lies in the potential to encourage learning and discovery within development and having the opportunity to highlight the best features associated with those applications.  In the TEDx Talks (2013) video "What is Open Source Software?" posted to YouTube

Web 3.0 and How Online Resources Shape Learning

Before I read the article and videos provided to me for my Basic Application of Media & Technology course, I hadn't heard the term “Web 3.0”, so it was interesting to discover how it has been utilized and what it stands for. As an indication of where Web 3.0 is now and how technology will continue to impact learning for all digital users, Delaney (2012) states the following:   We'll have massive sample sizes of students learning live in adaptive technology formats that track everything they do and produce a big data analytic back end that can be verified, so we can say either this worked, or it didn't.   Adaptive technology, data access points, interconnected websites, and digital resources. These are all components to an ever-changing landscape within the digital sphere known as Web 3.0 and will continue to impact all facets of our society, namely education and learning initiatives.   For me, there is quite a bit to unpack when considering how I will move fo

Digital Media and the Importance of Emerging Technologies

Educators must not only understand the changing ways that students are acquiring knowledge and interacting with content but also serve as guides to help them navigate the nuanced challenges of this digital world (Wilson et al., 2016). This sentence opens up the first chapter of the book “Digital Media in Today’s Classrooms: The Potential for Meaningful Teaching, Learning, and Assessment.” This assertion helped me understand just how prevalent digital media is in the modern world and how educators and future instructional technologists, such as myself, will have to remain in constant awareness of the ways technology and digital trends are evolving and impacting learners. Whether it’s teaching the importance of general digital literacy or introducing students to new technological assets such as 3D and virtual reality, the takeaway from this information is not just the importance of discovery and experimentation with new technology, but understanding that providing accessibility, teachin

Course Reflection and Final Project (ED 7300)

Overview Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve worked on a multimedia project for my Advanced Application of Media & Technology Course (ED 7300) at Sul Ross State University. Throughout the 8 weeks of the course, I learned about the various components of multimedia and the multitude of ways they can be utilized for personal, professional, and creative outlets. For my project, I decided to attempt a sample promotional piece for the Educational Instructional Technology (EIT) graduate program of which I currently am a member of. My main focus was to provide a quick and enjoyable presentation with a section that provides links and embedded video of students’ sample work from the program. Below is a video link to the presentation: Outcome Overall, I was pretty satisfied with what I was able to put together in a short amount of time. Ideally, there are still some aspects of the presentation I would like to incorporate better or adjust, but in the end, I believe I accomplished the

Components of Multimedia

What does it take to create a Multimedia project? In my experience, creating a multimedia project can be complex, but made simpler by understanding and planning around the tools used to put it together. Having an outline or framework to reference helps greatly in building the key components of the project, while learning what works and what doesn’t for a specific project. Another key factor is interest; centering your project around a subject you find interesting to talk about or explore builds greatly towards your overall investment and commitment to the project.   Are the options available empowering or limited? I find that as technology grows, so do the options at my disposal. Overall, I consider it empowering since more options means there is an increased possibility of finding a program or creation tool that fits closely with my individual needs. Are there any new applications that you may not have thought about using previously? About 2 years ago, one of my coworkers